Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Not much to say for this week, BUT we were able to attend the temple on Friday night! 
It's insane the amount of peace that comes from going to the house of the Lord.
And I truly believe that the temple is where the Earth and Heaven meet.
If you haven't gone to the temple this month, I challenge you to go! 
Go touch Heeeeaaavveeennn!

Sincerely, Sister Soloa'i

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

B E D B U G S : Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Live (in Indy) Without (getting) Them

^Gross. Gross gross gross. Ick ick nasty ew.
So there we are Friday night, planning, eating Mom's yummy cookies she sent (thanks Mom!), enjoying the end of the day...
But no.
"What is that??" -Me
"IT'S A BEDBUG!!!" - Sister Alexander
*freak out*
We stayed up cleaning EVERY. SINGLE. INCH. of our apartment for fooooooorever. 
We sprayed alcohol everyflippingwhere, we washed every little piece of cloth, and we vacuumed like madwomen. 
Aaaaaaand we're officially bedbug freeeeeeeeeeee! 
But. When you're a missionary and you get bedbugs, you also get exiled. Other missionaries are afraid of you (and they honestly should be). 
Rest in peace our only discovered bedbug, Ramone. 

This week we had the super fun opportunity to stand outside the gates of the play "The Book of Mormon" and hand out books of mormon!! 
It. Was. So. Fun.
If you haven't seen the play...
Simply don't.
The book is MUCH better.
It was so cool to stand outside, with other awesome missionaries, and testify of what we know to be true and what we know brings complete, everlasting happiness. 
It reminded us of Lehi's dream with the great and spacious building and the people mocking those that were partaking of the Tree of Life. Haha!
The church IS true and the book is blue!

We've been teaching this stellar guy, Tim, for quite some time now aaaaaaannddd
Tim is blind.
Are you shocked?
We love him and it's been such a blessing to see him grow, learn, and see how the gospel has blessed his life soooo much.
We had the simplest, but most amazing experience right before we asked him to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized: We were just sitting in silence at the end of a lesson and we felt promoted to just say, "You know it's true, don't you?" And all he said was "Yes." 
Spirit was SO strong! So amazing! 
Have I mentioned how much I love to be a missionary?

Sincerely, Sister Soloa'i

This is S and she was teaching better than we were in our lesson, so we figured we would just hand over our name tags.

Cute, bright, painted walls are EVERYWHERE. They make me so happy.

The sun fiiiiiiiiinally came out today... so naturally, we planted a garden.

Me when people cancel our lessons.


Monday, April 11, 2016

"I'm not wearing pants. Should I put on pants?"

So. Preeeetty sure our apartment is broken because every. single. night. the fire alarm goes off for like a minute and then stops.
Like. What the heck.
I lay cowering in my bed every night and pray I'm not about to die.
Also, I have the world's hardest sleeper as a companion and so I don't even have a friend to freak out with at 3:00am.
But... haven't died yet so all is well!

This week, our blind investigators dropped us.
It was really sad because we had really grown to love those people and now they're not even in our lives anymore.
I felt like they were breaking up with us, honestly. They started going on about how they didn't want to "lead us on" or make us feel like our little relationship was going in a direction they didn't want to go (baptism). And one of them even started tearing up and asked if we could still be friends.
Ha. What is even going on.
To top off the whole breakup, we went and listened to sad sounding hymns (is that even a thing?) and ate ice cream.

It seems like Indy doesn't know how to dress themselves.
One day, it seemed like every door we knocked on had a naked man on the other side. One dude, wet, and hiding behind the door, opened up and just said, "Hey, I'm in the shower."
K. Cool. Bye.
Another guy answered the door a crack and said, "I'm not wearing pants. Should I put on pants?"
Yes please. We actually ended up teaching him though so that was awesome.
But still.
Indiana, I love ya. But please put on some clothes.

The highlight of this week was when we tracted into this elderly lady, Elenor. We knocked and she opens her door wiiiiide open and goes "Well hello! Come on in!"
She. Was. So. Nice.
We sat down with her and we had probably one of the best lessons I've ever had on my mission thus far. We taught the restoration and the whole time she just sat there and cried and said how beautiful it was. She's really old and is taking care of her sick husband so she can't come to church, but it was just an amazing experience.
I LOVE Elenor.
Meeting people like her and loving them soooo much just within such a short time, is probably my FAVORITE thing about being a missionary.
I love this gospel. I love the love that's in this gospel.

Sincerely, Sister Soloa'i

Monday, April 4, 2016

Mushy, Spiritual, True Things

This past week I feel like the Lord really made it clear what my weaknesses are aaaaaand it basically blows. BUT also rocks because I've never felt so humble in my life.
The cool thing about the Lord though is He wants us to be happy and He always answers our prayers! 
One night this week, I was praying and asking Heavenly Father to pleeaaassee let me feel somewhat useful and receive some kind of confirmation that I could do this whole missionary thing. 
And the next day was probably THE BEST day I've had on my mission. 
Every lesson went so well and I was able to testify of Christ completely with the Spirit. And also just really TALK and LISTEN to people and help them with their needs and greater solidify my own conversion. SUCH a good, good day.
The Lord hears us, people! He knows us and He's waiting for us. 
AND He love us soooooooooo (SO) so so so much it's ridiculous. 

My favorite thing about my mission? Being able to see miracles DAILY in people's lives. I've been out in the field for like... what? A month? But I hold that month so dear and have experienced and learned so much from it, that I would never ever ever ever trade it for anything in the whole, wide wooooorrrld.

Simply put, the gospel of Jesus Christ IS restored and it IS this church and it absolutely, undoubtedly, completely brings everlasting, eternal joy. 

Sincerely, Sister Soloa'i
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