Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This. Was. The. Best. Week. Ever.

Okay, I'll tell you. 
T I M  G O T  B A P T I Z E D ! ! 
T I M  R E C E I V E D  T H E  H O L Y  G H O S T ! !
Have I mentioned how much we adore Tim? 
Have I mentioned how much I love being a missionary? 
Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to witness miracles EVERDAY?? 
I had the opportunity to speak at his baptism and talk about how important and essential the covenants he was making with Heavenly Father were. 
I shared my faaaaavorite story in The Book of Mormon which is when the Anti-Nephi-Lehis bury their weapons of war and completely dedicate themselves to Christ and truly take upon themselves His name. 
It was INCREDIBLE to watch Tim do as the Anti-Nephi-Lehis did, in a sense, and bury his own weapons of war and have the blessing of receiving a "newness of life" (Romans 6.4).
I love what Elder Bednar said this last General Conference: "Baptism is a point of departure in our mortal spiritual journey; it is not a destination."
I think people often get confused when it comes to baptism... We don't stop there! It's just the beginning step! 
I'm just sooooooo blessed to be a participator in Tim's journey. 

Sincerely, Sister Soloa'i

Can I get a "Yay"?

Who doesn't love a good comp bathroom selfie?

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