Wednesday, September 21, 2016

{ s e r v e }

This week was FILLED with service.
All we did was serve.
But a really wonderful miracle came out of it!
There is a less-active woman who we have been working with ever since I got to Logansport. She hasn't attended church in years and years and her husband isn't a member, but she accepted the service we offered her one day and so every week for almost a month we have gone over to her house and helped her with anything and everything!
Even really whatevs stuff like sorting and organizing her birthday cards.
We found one that was "from" her cat... #nojudgment 
She never really talks about the church and her husband we rarely saw and didn't seem interested, but. We continued to keep coming and still be her friend. But also...
We're missionaries.
So we invited them to church anyway.
For the first time in over 10 years (her) and for the first time ever (him)!!!
It really grew my testimony that this gospel is purely about love and emulating the Savior.
This is the church of J E S U S  C H R I S T, people!
We shouldn't judge people's backgrounds or current struggles, but continually offer love and support.
The Savior said, "Come unto me."
Not "Come unto me... but only you and you."
Who do we know in our lives who is seeking and calling out for help? Are we taking the time to hear and find them?
The greatest miracles can come from the smallest acts of kindness.

Sincerely, Sister Soloa'i

 Feeding the homeless at The Salvation Army

Giving blood (request from a member) for the first time.

Quick photo shoot on the roof of the hospital after visiting a poor, ailed, soul.

My super cute companion who is ALWAYS looking for ways to serve me daily. Looooove her.

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